Voyages for Young People (15-25)
In the school holidays, we are able to offer the opportunity to experience offshore sailing to individual young people. Our youth voyages are eligible for the DofE Gold Residential, and participants can also work towards and complete RYA certificates such as Competent Crew whilst onboard.
No experience is necessary to join any of our voyages.
MST organises five-day Youth Sailing Adventures throughout the year, and especially in school holidays and half terms. These are great for young people looking for a short break, to experience sailing, gain a qualification, or just spend time in the natural environment.
In the summer holidays we also offer longer Summer Adventure Sailing. Summer adventure voyages normally include time spent exploring other countries, as well as spending more time at sea to cover a greater distance, more challenging sailing conditions, and lots of opportunities to take the lead and push your boundaries. Our Summer Adventure voyages often take part in races and events including the Tall Ships' Races, which is an international event bringing together boats of all sizes from around the world, all crewed by young people.

Our youth voyages are considerably subsidised through the generosity of our supporters, to ensure they remain as accessible as possible. We also have access to additional bursary funding for those for whom the voyage fee is a significant impediment.
DofE Expeditions
MST is proud to be an Accredited Activity Provider for both the Residential and Expedition sections of the DofE award.
You can complete your expedition at sea either as an individual or as part of a group.
By the end of the voyage the expedition participants will be responsible for sailing the boat, with the absolute minimum of support from the onboard skipper. This is an opportunity to learn new skills whilst completing your expedition in a totally different way!
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